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The Imperial Spa


Um retiro dentro da cidade, O IMPERIAL Spa é um santuário para descobrir a união do corpo, mente e alma. Intricada arquitectura marroquina, belamente entrelaçada com motivos moghul e indianos, cria uma sensação de luxo delicado.

Imbibindo as tradições e princípios de bem-estar da Ayurveda, que era um modo de vida no início da Índia, a filosofia das termas IMPERIAL é selada com o conhecimento ‘mudra’ onde na viagem das termas é curada para equilibrar cuidadosamente o corpo, mente e alma.

As termas dispõem de uma vasta gama de óleos essenciais e primários, adequados a todos os tipos de pele, para uma experiência de bem-estar absolutamente personalizada num ambiente requintado de serenidade e despertar. De Nargis, a Oudh a Mandarim e Eucalipto, os nove distintos óleos essenciais são cuidadosamente preparados com ervas botânicas para se adequarem à sua propensão para uma luxuosa viagem de spa, curada apenas para si.

The Imperial Spa Amenities - Instead of the Imperial Oil Bottles at the Top banner
Ligue para a recepção do Imperial Spa em 4116210/11 para saber mais.
A retreat within the city, The Imperial Spa is a sanctuary to discover the union of body, mind and soul. Intricate Moroccan architecture, beautifully interwoven with Moghul and Indian motifs create a sense of delicate luxury. Exquisite tikri work embellishes the walls of this labyrinth of arches, while poetic verses engraved at select points, enlighten the soul. The balances of design predominant in white marble corridors appease the eye and calm the mind, the moment you step in. The spa’s philosophy is on the principles of Ayurveda, which was a way of life in early India. The healing Ayurvedic healing rituals at the spa contain ‘miracle herbs’ that protect and nourish skin and heal internally and externally. Moringa, Indian gooseberry, country mallow, and many other botanical herbs have anti-inflammatory, restorative, anti-ageing and medicinal properties, to suite individual needs and requirements. These programs and innate methodologies can be combined with our resident Ayurvedic doctor’s consultation and applied by our Kerala therapists to assist in your private journey. Additionally, The Imperial Spa offers a vast range of primary and essential oils that are prepared to your preference, upon arrival.
potli massage at Kerala Suite at The Imperial Spa
Bespoke Retreats

We are always ready to find out how you would like to enjoy your stay with us so please email us at to receive our definitive Spa Menu. Bookings can be made via email directly with us.